

Mary’s in Newtown is quite literally the definition of ‘hole in the wall’. It really isn’t the kind of place you would “stumble upon” with the sneaky entrance looking nothing more than your classic old Newtown building. To be entirely honest, the lack of street lighting and suspicious red light bulb out the front had me thinking for at least 20 minutes that it was a brothel. But once you finally spot the security guard and get inside you understand the hype.

    Photo: @marysnewtown Instagram 

The atmosphere is loud and crazy; in a good way. Like if that Piña Colada song (“if you like Piña coladas…”) comes on, everyone who is somewhat intoxicated will get up and start singing. The scribbled on walls and large lists of drinks match the cool vibe of the waiters, with the upstairs area promoting extremely chilled out table service. The burgers are simply the classic American style, with no fussy relishes or fancy types of lettuce. But damn they’re good.  Served in a basket with an overflowing pile of fries, the Mary’s burger is only $14.
All in all, Mary’s is 100% worth the struggles of finding a park in Newtown.

**It was too dark for me to get a photo with my phone so here are some great ones from The Lamstock! 


Photos: http://thelamstock.com 

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